Thursday, May 20, 2010

Piirrä Muhammed päivä = Draw Muhammed day 20.5.2010 went marvelously Plenty of critical muhammed pictures against islamisation in Finland, too

Piirrä Muhammed päivä = Draw Muhammed day 20.5.2010 went marvelously

Plenty of critical muhammed pictures against islamisation in Finland, too

Seppo Lehto Muhammed caricaturist from Finland
Asyl in Poland now
-------------------------- tells you more news:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Telling the Truth About Mohammed is a Crime in Sweden

by Baron Bodissey

Child Bride

Here’s another news story that demonstrates the importance of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day: a man in southern Sweden is being prosecuted for his presentation of completely factual and authentic material about Mohammed and his child bride, Aisha.

What was the crime in question? A poster depicting Mohammed and Aisha, accompanied by these words:

He is 53, she is 9. Is that the kind of marriage we want to see in Skåne?

This information is straight out of the sunna, and is considered an unquestionable truth in Islam. Yet a Swede is being prosecuted for saying it.

Ted Ekeroth has kindly translated an article from Sydsvenskan about this farrago of justice (he also has a blog post in English on the same topic):

Justice Chancellor to prosecute Herslow

The chairman of the Skåne Party, Carl P. Herslow, displayed anti-Muslim posters during a public meeting. He is now being prosecuted for hets mot folkgrupp [“inciting racial hatred”].

After holding a public meeting at Stortorget [“the grand square”] in Malmö at the beginning of May, he was taken away by the police for interrogation. The police intervened after he had shown posters with different texts and illustrations.

The pictures shows the prophet Mohammed naked with a 9-year-old wife.

Herslow was photographed and immediately taken into custody by the police. He has been interrogated and the seized posters have also been analyzed by Statens kriminaltekniska laboratorium (“the state crime lab”, SKL).

SKL has said that the posters were printed using a large-format printer, and the crime is therefore subject to the “press freedom laws”.
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The crime is labeled as “inciting racial hatred” (hets mot folkgrupp) since Herslow showed the pictures in public.

The decision to prosecute was made yesterday by the Justice chancellor, JK, and if convicted the chairman may face jail time.

“If you look at previous cases where representatives of extremist groups haves been convicted of ‘inciting racial hatred’, Herslow may spend 4-6 months in jail,” says deputy chief prosecutor Bo Birgersson. There are similar cases where leaders of National Socialist Front were convicted in the Supreme Court for inciting racial hatred according to the freedom of the press laws.

“This is incredible. It will be interesting to discuss Islamic superstition in court,” says the party leader concerning the case.

As early as April 21, Sydsvenskan wrote that both the police and at least one individual reported the Skåne Party for putting up anti-Muslim posters in Malmö.

Björn Lagerbäck (FP), leading the “Malmö dialogue forum”, appealed to Muslim groups not to be provoked and called the Skåne Party “a small isolated sect”.

This is unbelievably Orwellian: Mr. Herslow is being prosecuted under “freedom of the press” laws.

Another article on the same topic may be found here (in Swedish).


JK väcker åtal mot Herslow

Text: Mikael Funke, Federico Moreno
Uppdaterad 20 maj 2010 8.49 Publicerad 19 maj 2010 16.50
[+] [-] Textstorlek


Skånepartiets ordförande Carl P Herslow visade upp antimuslimska affischer under ett torgmöte. Nu åtalas han för hets mot folkgrupp.

Carl P Herslow togs till förhör efter att han hållit tal på Stortorget i början av maj. Polisen ingrep efter att han visat upp affischer med olika texter och illustrationer.

Bilderna visar proften Mohammed naken med en nioårig hustru.

Herslow videofilmades och togs snabbt in av polis. Förhör har hållits med honom och de beslagtagna affischerna har också analyserats av Statens kriminaltekniska laboratorium, SKL.

SKL har kommit fram till att affischerna har tryckts i en storformatsskrivare vilket gör att brottet lyder under tryckfrihetslagen.

Brottet rubriceras som hets mot folkgrupp, eftersom Herslow visat upp de tryckta affischerna offentligt.

Beslutet om åtalet togs igår av Justitiekanslern, JK och vid fällande dom kan partiledaren dömas till fängelse.

- Om man tittar på tidigare fall där företrädare för ytterlighetsgrupper dömts för hets mot folkgrupp så riskerar Carl P Herslow 4-6 månaders fängelse, säger vice chefsåklagare Bo Birgersson. Bland annat finns det liknande fall där ledare för Nationalsocialistisk front dömts i Högsta domstolen för hets mot folkgrupp enligt tryckfrihetsförordningen.

- Det är helt otroligt. Det ska bli intressant att inför rätta kunna diskutera vidskepelsen islam, kommenterade partiledaren åtalet under dagens torgmöte, eller "väckelse- omvändelse- och bekännelsemöte" som Skånepartiet kallar det.

Redan den 21 april skrev Sydsvenskan att både polisen och minst en privatperson anmält Skånepartiet för att ha satt upp antimuslimska affischer i Malmö. Björn Lagerbäck (FP) som leder Malmö stads dialogforum vädjade då till muslimska grupper att inte låta sig provoceras och kallade Skånepartiet för "en liten isolerad sekt".

Snabbsökning på Sydsvenskan:

Some muhammed caricature history from Finland, too:

20.5.2010 Draw Muhammed international drawing day

Some Muhammed caricatures history in this post:

Katsokaa oheista Seppo Lehdon tekemää Ramadan aikaan liittyvää islamia ja profeetta Muhammedin opetuslapsia ivaavaa ja kritisoivaa kuvaa ja miettikää mitä muuta tulee mieleen islamista ja muslimeista?

Pedofiilinen profeetta Muhammed oli pelkkä naisten ja lasten raiskaaja, eikä millään muotoa verrattavissa Jeesus Kristus Nasaretilaiseen, syntiemme sovittajaan, Jumalan karitsaan



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